I agree with the topic, but of all the reasons you've posted I only agree with one (the 6th).
All of the other reasons you state are only accepting evolution on the caveat that it is done within the view of Christian Faith and scripture. This is not possible.
I am very happy to see that another person is reading and educating themselves on these subjects, so please don't take this as me bullying you; I'm merely going to state the following as a form of quality control for the information you are taking in and the threads you are making.
- There is no contradiction between what science shows regarding evolution, and what Genesis reveals about God's creation of the universe. You can google to research other interpretations of Genesis. You should especially visit BioLogos. (For additional reading, please seeAllegorical Interpretations of Genesis)
This second post is empirically false. The various Christian faiths all share several non-negotiable tenets. One of these tenets is that all of mankind descended from two specific progenitors: Adam and Eve. This is a non-negotiable claim, because through these two we have all inherited sin and death and the necessity of a savior becomes part of the story.
Evolutionary geneticists now know that the human population could never have been merely two people at any point in history.
The genetic evidence tells us several things. First, the genes in all modern humans diverged from one another a long time ago - long before the 6,000 to 10,000 years estimated in scripture ... the evidence is even stronger, for we can also back-calculate from DNA sequences the size of human populations at different times in the past. And we know that when our ancestors left Africa between 100,000 and 60,000 years ago to colonize the world, the size of the migrating group dropped to a minimum of 2,250 individuals - and that's an underestimate. The population that remained in Africa stayed larger: a minimum of about 10,000 people. The total number of ancestors of modern humans, then, was not two but over 12,000 individuals."
- Jerry Coyne, Faith Versus Fact pg 126-127
This is a universal truth, proven by science, clashing with a universal truth claimed by religion with no proof whatsoever. The reality is that there were never in history at any given time only two human beings, and as a result the entire premise of sin and death being passed on is impossible because there are far more than 2 progenitors. This then makes the necessity of a savior null, and the entire Christian Faith crumbles. These are empirical truths.
I'm only going to dismantle one of your points because I do not want to come across like I'm trying to destroy your OP. But I will say this, and it is very important, reality and truth should never be accepted on religious grounds because science and reason are NOT true because of religion - they are true just because they are.